The first in a series of films recounting Indian civilisations focuses on the Indus Valley Civilisation.
Pakistan Unveiled
Danino 4 and 5, The Idea of India, and its Interactions with the Western World
Two lectures covering the very idea of India as a country, and its relationship with its neighbours to the rest.
Danino 2, The Aryan Controversy
The second in a series of lectures on Ancient Indian history, and modern theories of the development of its civilisation.
Danino 1, Recent Findings on Indus Sarasvati Civilization
The beginning of a series of lectures on Ancient Indian history, and modern theories of the development of its civilisation.
India, The First Civilization
The Background to the Buddha’s Teaching
An illustrated talk on the geographical, social, political and religious background to the Buddha’s teaching.
Buried Treasure, Mohenjo daro
A short film from 1957 in which Sir Mortimer Wheeler takes a tour of the Indus Valley civilsation, which he helped excavate.