An appreciation of the Chinese Tang Dynasty era poet Han Shan (Cold Mountain) by some of his finest American translators.
Albert Von Le Coq, Adventure in Turpan
The explorations made in the Turpan area of Xinjiang by the German Archeologist Albert Von Le Coq at the beginning of the 20th century (mainly English, with some subtitles).
China, West meets East at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
A look at the aesthetics and history of China through the collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Marc Aurel Stein, Treasure buried in the Sands
An account of the various expeditions led by the great Hungarian explorer Aurel Stein in Central Asia, which were significant for Buddhist history (mainly English, with some subtitles).
Sven Hedin’s 1928 Expedition through the Gobi Desert
A silent film recording the adventures of an expedition led by the Swedish explorer Sven Hedin in the Gobi desert.
The Silk Road Series 16/16: The Travels of Xuang Zang in India
The expedition team crosses into India proper, and down the Ganges Basin, following in the footsteps of China’s most famous pilgrim, Xuang Zang.
The King and the Buddhist Pagoda at Leifeng
A history of the small Chinese kingdom of Wuyue and its last King who built a beautiful Pagoda near a lake with Buddhist scriptures carved on its walls (Mandarin, with English subtitles).
The Towering Buddhist Pagoda of Yongning
A documentary exploring the history of one of the earliest and greatest Buddhist Pagodas in China, which is now lost to the flames of war (Mandarin, with English subtitles).
The Silk Road Series 13/16: Across the Pamirs
In the 13th episode of this classic series the expedition crosses into Pakistan and goes down the Indus Valley finding remains of Buddhist Civilisation along the way.