Lama Jigme Gyatso and Dhondup Wangchen talk to ordinary Tibetans to get their views of the situation they face in Tibet today.
The Yungang Grottoes: Bridging Weight and Grace
Green Gold: Restoring Degraded Land Resources

An overview of the work being carried out worldwide to restore heavily degraded lands. It is possible and it only takes a few years.
Conserving the Diamond Sutra

This 15-minute film is afascinating look at the decade-long conservation effort being made on the oldest, complete, dated printed book in history, a scroll of the Diamond Sutra, from 868 CE.
Sakyamuni Pagoda

This is a four-part series of short, 20-minute documentaries about the famous Sakyamuni Pagoda in Ying County, Shangxi Province, China, which is the tallest wooden Pagoda in the world.
The Longmen Grottoes in China

This documentary from CCTV Channel 9 gives within a short compass a tour of the Longmen cave complexes in Luoyang, and recalls their history.
Nourished by the Mekong River: Exploring Angkor

This episode from the series by Chinese Television’s Channel 9, looks at the great civilisation that centered around Angkor in Cambodia.
Nourished by the Mekong River: Lasting Faith

This episode of the series looks at the part faith plays along the Mekong River, and takes a look at the different traditions, ordination procedures, almsround, pagodas and palm-leaf scriptures.
Nourished by the Mekong River: Eternal Celebrations

A documentary about the religious festivals held by the peoples found along the Mekong river, featuring especially the Water Festival (Songkran) in Luang Prabhang.