A record of a marvellous trip made across the length and breadth of India by a group of nuns from Zanskar.

A story about a Tibetan woman and the three men in her life.

A film looking at the life of Empress Wu Zetian and her achievements.

A documentary covering what happens when meditation is brought to inmates in a US prison.

A film about the female shamans of Manipur In India.

A retelling of the story about a weaver’s daughter who hears the Buddha and practices what he teaches.

A film looking at the life of nuns in Ladakh, and how they are improving themselves.

A journey into Japan’s spiritual mountains with Leslie Downer.

A film looking at one day in the life of an illiterate peasant woman in Tibet.

A film about the remarkable life of the nun Tenzin Palmo, one of the most celebrated masters of the Tibetan tradition.