The Heart of Taoism 4, Weapons of War
The Wanderers

A look at Cambodian refugees who survived the Khmer Rouge, only to find themselves refugees in their own country.
Lama La

A film from Nepal about a young monk’s journey through his war torn country (Nepali with English subtitles).
Survive (the Khmer Rouge)
The Silk Road Series 45, Echoes of Distant Prayers

The last of five films from NHK about the western end of the Silk Road, this one looks at Syria and Lebanon.
The Silk Road Series 41, The Flame and the Cross

The first of five films from NHK about the western end of the Silk Road, this one looks at the southern Caucasus.
HUMAN, Volume Two

The second of this series of films in which people speak about the things that matter to them in their lives.