Thera Stories, Spiritual Journeys of Monks

Western monastics speak about their paths to becoming first Buddhists, and then ordained members of the Sangha.
Theri Stories, Spiritual Journeys of Nuns
Anuradhapura, the City of the Buddhist Sangha

A talk at the University of California by Osmund Bopearachchi on the ancient capital of Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka.
Animals and the Buddha

A film by Dharma Voices for Animals on our relationships with animals from a Buddhist perspective, featuring some of the best known Buddhist activists on animal rights.
David Eckel: Buddhism 7-8 of 24

The seventh and eighth lectures by Prof David Eckel on the history of Buddhism look at the Buddhist monastic community and Buddhist art and architecture.
The Tibetan Oracles

A documentary by David Cherniack that looks the place of the oracles in Tibetan Buddhism, their history and their role in the current tradition.