Zen, in Search of Enlightenment

A look at Zen training at the Japanese Rinzai School of Zen Buddhism Shogen ji Monastery in Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka, Japan.
The Reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche
Ajanta, the History and the Mystery

An in-depth look at the making of the Ajanta Caves, and their architecture, sculptures and paintings.
Our Life is like our Breath

A film following a western monk and his lifestyle in the Thai forest monastery, Wat Pa Nanachat, in the 1990s.
Sikkim (Expoza)
Bhutan (Expoza)
Lhasa, Tibet (Expoza)

A guide around Lhasa, the ancient capital of Tibet, to see its main attractions, including many temples and monasteries.
Xuan Zang (2016 Film)

A film covering the epic journey of the Chinese pilgrim Xuan Zang to India, and his return to China where he became one of the most successful translators of Sanskrit texts.