Chasing Coral

A close look at the worldwide collapse of the coral reef ecosystems and the affect that is having on the oceans.
Fall and Winter (Deep Ecology)
Reactor with Michael Stone
Nepal’s Nightmare, Earthquake 2015

An Australian TV report from Nepal on the April earthquake disaster and the consequences on the ground.
Call of Life (the 6th Mass Extinction)

A film from Species Alliance on the dangers facing the planet by the mass extinction of species life due to pollution, resource exploitation and overpopulation.
Windscale, Britains Biggest Nuclear Disaster

A remarkable film tracing the people and events that led up to the first real nuclear accident in history.
Children of the Tsunami

This is a moving film from the BBC following the thoughts and reflections of a group of children affected by the tsunami that hit north-east Japan in 2011.
The Plow That Broke the Plains

This is a remarkable short documentary made in 1936 about the devastating effects of single-crop farming on the Great Plains of America, once home to millions of buffalo and later of cattle.