This is a dramatic reconstruction of the Life of the great Japanese monk Dogen who flourished in Japan in the 13th century.
Zen Buddhism

A short video about the Jewish-American Soto Zen teacher, Norman Fischer, a disciple of Shunryu Suzuki, and his wife Michelle Meyrink, who is a Rinzai practioner.
The Land of the Disappearing Buddha – Japan

In this episode of The Long Search Ronald Eyre goes in search of the Buddha in Japan, and finds himself increasingly farther away from his subject the nearer he gets.
U Nu speaking about Buddhism

Interview with the Burmese Premier U Nu around 1956 for the American series See It Now, in which he discusses Buddhism and appears to claim to have entered the first path (sotapatti).
Sikkim (1971) – A Film by Satyajit Ray

Here is a wonderful film by one of my favorite film-makers, Satyajit Ray, about the land, people and culture of Sikkim, made in 1971 while Sikkim was still a sovereign state.
The Life and Works of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

Recollections of my visit to Wat Suan Mokkh in the early 90s and a documentary about the great Thai monk Buddhadasa Bhikkhu.
The Genius of Photography 6: Snap Judgements

The sixth episode in this series looks at the way photography has been commodified, just like modern art in general has.
The Genius of Photography 4: Paper Movies

This week’s episode looks at the way photographers found their own terrain on the streets of the cities, the highways and beaches of the post-war world.
The Genius of Photography 3: Right Time, Right Place

This week’s episode is about the evolution of photojournalism, from its beginnings with the Frenchman, Henri Cartier-Bresson, one of the great photographers of the 20th century, up and to the coverage of the aftermath of 9/11.