The last part of a series of videos looking at the Jātaka and stories and other tableau on Level 1 at Borobudur.
Unheard Voices and Notes to Myself

A film following Indian students as they go to Dharamsala to learn more about Tibetan culture and history.
The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha

A film retelling the traditional life of the Buddha from his birth till his parinirvana, with episodes from the lives of the disciples (Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles).
Path to Enlightenment, 3/4

The third of four drama films on the Life of the Buddha and his main disciples, covering the period from the ascetic practice to the Bamboo Grove (Vietnamese with English Subtitles)
Path to Enlightenment, 2/4

The second part of this film series on the Life of the Buddha and his Disciples covering some of the main events in his early career (Vietnamese with English Subtitles)