In these episodes Xuanzang crosses Central Asia and makes his way down through what is now Afghanistan and eventually on into Kashmir, where he spent the next two years studying.
The Journey of Xuanzang 3 & 4

In these episodes Xuanzang reaches Gaochang, where he is welcomed by the King. He crosses the dangerous Yanqi and spends a few months in Kuch, before crossing over the Pamir and emerging into Central Asia, with only half his original party left.
The Journey of Xuanzang 1 & 2

These episodes narrate the birth of Xuanzang and his childhood, his ordination, search for the true Dharma, and his meeting with the Indian monk Prabhakaramitra, and the beginning of his journey to India.
The Journey of Xuanzang: An Introduction

The Journey of Xuanzang is a lavishly illustrated 12-part biography of the great Chinese traveler and translator Xuanzang, based on Records of the Western World and A Biography of the Tripitaka Master.
Introduction to The Silk Road Series

Tomorrow I start posting the 12-part Silk Road series. I found this series about 2 years ago, and have watched it all the way through three times by now, and individual episodes at other times.