A Korean film about a young woman who joins a nunnery and later returns to lay life, bringing Dharma into the lives of those she meets (Korean with Eng subs).
Passage to Buddha (Hwaomkyung)

A modern-day Sudhana on his quest for the meaning of life in industrial Korea (Korean, with Eng. subs).
In the Footsteps of Wonhyo

A journey across Korea in the footsteps of the best-loved Korean master, musing on Korean Buddhism along the way.
Zen Buddhism – In Search of Self

This is a fly-on-the-wall type documentary made by Gong Jae Sung during the 90-day meditation retreat at the 10th century Baek Hung Nuns’ Temple on the Palgong Mountain in Korea during 2001/2.
The 108 Lokesvaras in Nepal
A Bright Moon, the Life of Hong-yi

The life of one of the most famous Mahāyāna monks of early-modern China set against the turbulent times he lived in.
Legend of Dajian Huineng
Gandhara Civilisation

A look at the remains of the Buddhist civilisations in Gandhara and an appeal for their preservation.