Four short films looking first at the Ellora Caves sites, which was a site shared by the Buddhist, Hindu and Jaina monastics, and then appreciations of these three religions.
Buddhist Architecture in Kyoto

A look at traditional Buddhist Temple architecture in Kyoto and the work of craftsmen in maintaining the temples to this day.
Japanese Architecture and Interior Design
David Eckel: Buddhism 7-8 of 24

The seventh and eighth lectures by Prof David Eckel on the history of Buddhism look at the Buddhist monastic community and Buddhist art and architecture.
Introduction to Buddhist Art

Three short introductory lectures on Buddhist Art, featuring the art of India, China, Japan and Thailand.
Kodaiji Zen Temple, Kyoto
Ancient Buddhist Sites in Sri Lanka (BDI)
The King and the Buddhist Pagoda at Leifeng

A history of the small Chinese kingdom of Wuyue and its last King who built a beautiful Pagoda near a lake with Buddhist scriptures carved on its walls (Mandarin, with English subtitles).