An unusual film made in the 80s exploring the psychology of desire against the teaching of the three fires of desire, hatred and delusion (Hindi with English subtitles).
The Great Pilgrim Xuanzang
A shortened version of Fo Gaung Shan’s long video biography of the great Tang Dynasty monk Xuanzang (Mandarin with English and Mandarin subtitles).
Baraka by Ron Fricke
A very influential non-verbal film by Ron Fricke looking at Tribal and ritualised cultures and their descendants in the modern world.
A Soldier becomes a Monk
Act Normal
A documentary covering the life of the English monk Ven. Dhammanando over a period of about a decade.
Looking for Ancient Tibet
A journey through modern Tibet is search of the great yogis and teachers of the past and the present.
The Cross and the Bodhi Tree
The Last Life of Nirmala as a Woman
This documentary follows one young Jaina as she prepares to leave home for the monastic life in the strict Digambara sect, forever cutting off ties to her family and past life.
Shaolin Zen Meditation, Martial Arts and Medicine
A documentary about meditation martial arts and medicine at Shaolin Temple in China (Mandarin with English Subtitles)