66 Zen Gardens in Japan
John Guy, Fragrant Stories, Buddhist Art in Early India
A talk by the curator John Guy about the early Buddhist art of India, especially focusing on the remains in the Deccan.
Buddhist Gandharan Images of Faith
PBS Thai travels to Pakistan to see the remains of Buddhist sites, and the sculptures now in the museums, they also meet a Thai monk who decided to spend his Rains Retreat in Gandhara.
Discovering Oneself with a Bowl of Temple Food
Tōshōji Soto Zen Monastery
The life and activities in the Tōshōji Soto Zen Monastery in Okayama Prefecture in Japan (Japanese with Eng. subs)
Come, Come, Come Upward (Aje Aje Bara Aje)
A Korean film about a young woman who joins a nunnery and later returns to lay life, bringing Dharma into the lives of those she meets (Korean with Eng subs).