Fulfilling Buddha’s Vision

A look at the revival of the Bhikkhuni monastic order in Theravāda Buddhism in the USA and Thailand.
Theri Stories, Spiritual Journeys of Nuns
Bhikkhuni Order, Path of Spiritual Freedom for Women

A short and positive film looking at Bhikkhuni Dhammananda and her training centre Songdhammakalyani in Thailand.
Dharma Master Cheng Yen

A portrait of the founder of the Taiwanese Compassion Relief (Tzu Chi) organisation and its founder Dharma Master Cheng Yen (English with Chinese subtitles).
The Buddha’s Forgotten Nuns

A 30-minute documentary talking to people on both sides of the divide in the discussion about the re-establishment of the Bhikkhuni order in the Theravada tradition.
Secret Tribes: Bhikkhunis in Thailand

A positive look at the current state of bhikkhunis in Thailand with interviews with Ven Dhammananda and other nuns.