A film about the wild and unexplored riverways and countryside in Laos, and the festivals connected with it.
Buddhist Laos (Folkways of Indochina)

A look at the culture of Laos and the central importance of Buddhism in its development (English narration, some Mandarin interviews with English subtitles).
The Kingdom of Lan Xang, Laos (Folkways of Indochina)

A short look at the long history of the country of Laos, its history, people and culture (English narration, some Mandarin interviews, with subtitles).
Caring for the Beyond, Two Lao Buddhist Festivals for the Deceased

An ethnographic and anthropologic documentary about two festivals held in Laos which help keep the departed and the living connected.
Nourished by the Mekong River: Exploring Angkor

This episode from the series by Chinese Television’s Channel 9, looks at the great civilisation that centered around Angkor in Cambodia.
Nourished by the Mekong River: Lasting Faith

This episode of the series looks at the part faith plays along the Mekong River, and takes a look at the different traditions, ordination procedures, almsround, pagodas and palm-leaf scriptures.
Nourished by the Mekong River: Eternal Celebrations

A documentary about the religious festivals held by the peoples found along the Mekong river, featuring especially the Water Festival (Songkran) in Luang Prabhang.
Nourished by the Mekong River: Colourful River System

The first programme in a series of documentaries about the peoples, cultures and environment that are found along the Mekong river.