An exploration of rock cut temples and sculptures in India, including their history and development over the centuries.
The Lost Temple

A film about the recovery of a lost temple from the Tang period and the cultural relics it contained.
The Amaravati Mahacetiya

A short film looking at the Great Stupa and it’s magnificent artworks, originally built at Amaravati in Andhra Pradesh.
Bagan in Central Myanmar (Slideshow)
Secret Towers of the Himalayas

A trip to remote regions of Tibet to enquire into the building of large towers that dot the landscape.
Luoyang, Longmen Grottoes

A documentary about the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang which represent the peak of Chinese classical Buddhist art.
India, The First Civilization
Cities associated with Buddha

A series of short films showing the archaeological remains of various cities associated with the Buddha, and their importance in Buddhist history.
Secrets of Angkor

A film looking at the ongoing work on the archaeology of Angkor and the new light it has brought to our understanding of this great civilisation.