A short video about the Jewish-American Soto Zen teacher, Norman Fischer, a disciple of Shunryu Suzuki, and his wife Michelle Meyrink, who is a Rinzai practioner.
The Land of the Disappearing Buddha – Japan
In this episode of The Long Search Ronald Eyre goes in search of the Buddha in Japan, and finds himself increasingly farther away from his subject the nearer he gets.
U Nu speaking about Buddhism
Interview with the Burmese Premier U Nu around 1956 for the American series See It Now, in which he discusses Buddhism and appears to claim to have entered the first path (sotapatti).
The Life and Works of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu
Recollections of my visit to Wat Suan Mokkh in the early 90s and a documentary about the great Thai monk Buddhadasa Bhikkhu.
The Life of the Buddha Animation Film
In a very short compass this animated Life of the Buddha tells more of the significant stories from the Buddha’s life than a lot of other films do. It concentrates on getting across the meaning of the teaching, rather than the heroics of the endeavour.
ZEN – A Fabian Enzinger Film
This is one of the finest non-verbal films I’ve come across so even better that it is also connected with Buddhism, being taken at a remote Zen temple in the Japanese Alps.
Touch and Go, Choygam Trungpa’s Epic Journey to the West
The heroic escape of Chögyam Trungpa Rimpoche and his followers from Tibet during the Chinese invasion of the country in 1959.
The Story of Buddhism by Benoy K Behl
A series of videos on the philosophy, art and culture of Buddhism in India by the renowned historian and photographer Benoy K Behl covering the Stupa, cave monasteries and later developments in the Himalayan Region.
The Journey of Xuanzang 11 & 12
The Emperor requests Xuanzang to write his Records of the Western World and he gains partonage to start his translation work. He translates some of the most voluminous of the Mahayana works, but eventually his health deteriorates and he passes away.